Water polo is a team water sport. The game consists of 4 quarters in which the two teams attempt to score goals by throwing the ball.
Diving is the sport of jumping or falling into water from a platform orspringboard, sometimes while performing acrobatics.
Human swimming typically consists of repeating a specific body motion or swimming stroke to propel that body forward.
Synchronized swimming is dance and gymnastics, performing as synchronized routine in the water, accompanied by music.
Bangladesh Swimming Federeation arrange all types of swimming competitions every sesson. Every Swimming clubs and person individually participate here.
The New Website has been opened recently.
Our New Website of Bangladesh Swimming Federation has been opened recently. All of our members are requested to visit and attached with our new website for the new information.
We are invited to interested learners for admitting to our special Swimming Trainning Course.
Our Admission will open 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM in every working day.
31st Age Group Competition at third week of August, 2015.
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